Preferred Podiatry Group P.C.

The Preferred Provider for Positive Outcomes

Preferred Podiatry Group’s unparalleled quality of care, best-in-class physicians, and technology are the driving forces behind our ability to bring unmatched compliance, financial viability, staff efficiency, and, positive outcomes to the senior living facilities and residents that we serve.


Our ability to adapt to the ever-changing post-acute landscape has elevated our status as the nationwide leader in on-site senior podiatric care. This, along with our expertly trained physicians’ attention to quality and compliance, make Preferred Podiatry Group the leading provider of on-site podiatry services. Our dedication to excellence and unique centralized support team enable us to always be available to handle your facility’s needs and support your residents.

Contact Preferred Podiatry Group P.C.

Have questions or interested in getting a quote? Use the form below to contact Dave Tunis at Preferred Podiatry Group P.C. to learn more.

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