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Important: IDH Updates COVID-19 Data Submission Guidelines

Posted Jan 11, 20212 min Read

Regulatory & Clinical

ISDH created a COVID-19 Data Submission by Long-Term Care Facilities resource, which can be found here.  This resource is helpful in clarifying which databases should be utilized by nursing facilities and assisted living communities (both licensed and unlicensed) to report COVID-19 tests, whether a PCR or POC test is conducted, or the result is positive or negative.

Point of Care Test Results

The IDH guidance has not yet been updated relative to the January 8, 2021 change by CDC that no longer mandates nursing facilities to report Point of Care Antigen test results to NHSN (click here to read more).  We expect IDH to update their guidance to reflect that nursing facilities can report Point of Care Antigen test results to NHSN or IDH’s RedCAPS COVID-19 Point of Care Testing Reporting module.  Nursing facilities must report Point of Care Antigen test results to one of those two systems.

Please be reminded that this guidance only applies to reporting of Point of Care Antigen testing results and that nursing facilities must still report weekly data to NHSN for other nursing facility COVID-19 and case data.  QSource can be of help to you if you experience issues with the weekly NHSN data reporting requirement – contact Kara Dawson.

Death Reporting Hotline

The document also outlines a Death Reporting Hotline for reporting COVID-19 deaths within 24 hours of knowledge:  765-860-6053.  Both nursing facilities and assisted living communities should continue to report positive COVID-19 cases and deaths confirmed via a PCR test within 24 hours of knowledge to the following REDCap Survey, but the document also includes the reporting of COVID-19 deaths through the hotline.

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