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State, Regional And Local Workforce Resources


Next Level Jobs

Did you know Next Level Jobs provides free training for Hoosiers and reimbursements for Indiana employers for training employees in high-demand fields?

Next Level Jobs is part of Governor Holcomb’s Next Level Indiana agenda to continue the positive momentum of our state. Under his leadership with support from the General Assembly, Indiana is taking the state’s workforce to the next level with a focus on the high-priority industries and high-demand jobs driving Indiana’s 21st Century economy forward. 

Two million Hoosiers need additional training to compete in the 21st Century workforce, and there will be over 1 million job openings in Indiana due to retirements and the creation of new jobs in the next decade. Whether you’re a Hoosier looking for a better-paying job or an employer looking for a better-skilled workforce, Indiana’s Next Level Jobs initiative can help.

Employer Training Grant For Employers

Workforce Ready Grant For Job Seekers

Helping Employers Train Hoosiers For Next Level Jobs

More than one million jobs must be filled in Indiana over the next 10 years. To help Hoosier employers fill these jobs, Indiana established the Employer Training Grant, which reimburses employers who train, hire, and retain new or incumbent workers to fill in-demand positions within recognized job fields. The Employer Training Grant is available for eligible occupations within six priority sectors. The Grant reimburses employers up to $5,000 per employee who is trained, hired, and retained for six months, up to $50,000 per employer.

Program Eligibility and Requirements

For training to be eligible for reimbursement, the training must:

IHCA/INCAL members are encouraged to apply as soon as possible to enroll in the Employer Training Grant program. You will need to get an Access Indiana account with the state to apply.

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Train For Your Next Level Job

The Workforce Ready Grant is designed to remove financial barriers that may prevent Hoosiers from getting the training they need for a job in one of Indiana’s 5 high-demand fields. The grant pays for all tuition and regularly assessed fees for qualifying high-value certificates. It can be used at any eligible training provider and covers all courses required to satisfy the qualifying program. The grant is available for up to two (2) years.

See if you qualify, and select an approved training provider.

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Graduation Alliance Adult Diploma Program


IHCA/INCAL is excited to announce a new partnership with Graduation Alliance to bring an online diploma and career pathway program to members and their employees. Graduation Alliance is a national provider of online high school diploma completion programming, currently operating programs focused on adult high school diploma completion and career pathway development through a state-funded program in Indiana.

Each participant in the program completes an employability skills course and earns an Employability Skills Certificate. They also select an industry-recognized credential from the State’s promoted credential list in their chosen career pathway. Credentials relevant to this partnership include OSHA 10 – Healthcare, OSHA 10 – Culinary, or ServSafe Food Manager.

Participants may receive high school credit for completing CNA certification through the local employer. Currently employed participants also have the opportunity to earn high school credit for work experience.

IHCA/INCAL members are encouraged to learn more by viewing the Graduation Alliance informational webinar hosted November 7, 2019. 

The webinar highlights:



Indiana Career Ready

Powered by the Department of Workforce Development, Indiana Career Ready aligns talent and education resources to support the skills and hiring needs of employers. Employer-focused content includes information on:

  • Work-based Learning and Apprenticeships
  • Labor Market Information, including timely wage data by occupation and region to help employers stay competitive
  • Indiana Career Connect, where employers can post job openings and find candidates in their areas
  • Educational Opportunities, where employers can access lists of vocational training and certificate programs in their area to help them skill up their workforce

Hip Gateway To Work

More than 400,000 non-disabled, low-income adult Hoosiers are enrolled in the Healthy Indiana Plan, or “HIP,” the state of Indiana’s signature, consumer-driven health coverage program. Gateway to Work is a part of HIP that connects members with job training and search assistance, education, community engagement or work opportunities. Starting in 2019, some HIP members will be required to work, go to school, volunteer or participate in other qualifying Gateway to Work activities up to 20 hours a week.

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