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Webinar Open to All

SNF VBP Essentials

When: Ongoing


Members: $40 | Non-Members: $80

About This Event

New CMS SNF VBP measures effective 10/1/2023 will determine Medicare Part A rates beginning 10/1/2025. Understand the new skilled nursing value-based purchasing changes now or start writing your excuses for losing future Medicare reimbursements.  Learn how:

  • CMS calculates VBP measures, risk adjustment, facility score and payment adjustment.
  • How CMS will apply the incentive payment multiplier
  • To use a SNF VBP prediction calculator to estimate the financial impact of quality measures on Medicare Part A revenue.
  • Adopting best practices now helps avoid Part A payment penalties and can boost future incentive payments.

Presenter: Kiran Sreenivas, Vice President, Research, Integrated Networks & Research, AHCA



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