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Webinar Open to All

Quality Assurance Performance Improvement “101” for Assisted Living

When: Ongoing


Members: $25 | Non-Members: $65

About This Event

Why do we work in long term care?  The answer is simple.  We are here to support the residents and provide them with the best quality of life, and care, for however long they have with us while we continuously try to improve outcomes.  How can we improve the outcomes for residents as well as staff? Again, the answer is simple.  Facilities must be engaged in continuous quality improvement efforts, data collection, and system improvement processes. This session will be aimed at improving resident and staff outcomes through exploration of data collection, continuous systems improvement, and the quality journey.

Objectives:  After attending this session, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe what quality assurance performance improvement is.
  2. Discuss steps to implement a quality assurance performance improvement program.
  3. Explain how to do a root cause analysis.

Speaker: Pamela Truscott, DNP/HSL, MSN/Ed, C-AL, DNS-CT, QCP, RAC-CT, CDP



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Questions about this event?

Please email Katie, IHCA/INCAL’s director of education, using the form below.

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