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Midwest Insurance Group, Inc.

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Over the years the Professional Liability and General Liability insurance market in Indiana experienced cyclical disruptions with senior living facilities seeing significant premium increases and, in many cases, the inability to get coverage at all. MGU and wholesaler broker Caitlin Morgan Insurance Services, specialists in the senior living sector for more than 20 years, looked for a solution to address the challenges facilities were facing in obtaining cost-effective coverage. The result: The formation of Midwest Insurance Group, Inc., RRG, a risk retention group designed to provide senior living facilities with a viable, long-term stable alternative solution to the traditional Professional and General Liability insurance market.

Managed by Caitlin Morgan and owned by its policyholders, Midwest Insurance Group enables members to have complete control over their insurance costs. A strong dedication to both risk management and claims management helps yield strong risk profiles among its member-owners and stable pricing.

Midwest Insurance Group is reinsured with our “A” rated partner, Lloyd’s.  In addition to Indiana, Midwest Insurance Group is also open to policyholders in new states, based on volume, economy of scale and the existing legal environment.

Contact Midwest Insurance Group, Inc.

Have questions or interested in getting a quote? Use the form below to contact Chris Murray at Midwest Insurance Group, Inc. to learn more.

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