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Posted Aug 27, 20245 min Read
The most cited Emergency Preparedness (EP) citation is E0041 – LTC (Long Term Care) Emergency Power. Out of 101 surveys conducted this year (2024) this tag was cited fifty-one times or (50.5 %).
The most common concerns and root causes of E0041 citation are the following:
EP Testing Requirements – E0039 comes in second for most frequently cited EP tags. This tag was cited forty-two times out of 101 surveys or 41.6%. The requirements are as follows:
Documentation of testing is required in the last year, and the testing needs to be:
The testing must be documented, have an after-action analysis, and must include a plan revision based on the after-action analysis.
Other top tags are as follows:
E004- Review and Update Emergency Preparedness Plan Annually
E0029 – Development of Communication Plan was cited for failure to maintain an emergency preparedness communication plan that complies with Federal and State, and local laws that was reviewed and updated at least every year in accordance with 42 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) 483.4759 (c).
E0013 comes in at number five for failure to develop and/or implement emergency preparedness policies and procedures, based on the emergency plan set forth in paragraph (a) of that section, risk assessment at paragraph (a)(1) and the communication plan at paragraph (c) of the section.
Email if you have questions or need assistance with your emergency preparedness plan.