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Federal Tag F623 is making the citation list in Indiana

Posted Jun 25, 20244 min Read

Regulatory & Clinical

The Indiana Department of Health is citing F623 more frequently and we want your facility to prevent this tag from being part of your 2567 going forward.  

The failure of the facility is as follows:  

Based on interview and record review, the facility failed to ensure the written notification required for a transfer and discharge was provided to the resident and the resident representatives for residents reviewed for hospitalization including Emergency Room Visits.  

Notice Requirements Before Transfer/Discharge CFR(s) 483.15(c)(3)-(6)(8) 

Before a facility transfers or discharges a resident, the facility must- I) Notify the resident and the resident’s representative(s) of the transfer or discharge and the reasons for the move in writing and in a language and manner they understand. The facility must send a copy of the notice to a representative of the Office of the State Long-Term Ombudsman.  

(ii) Record the reasons for the transfer or discharge in the resident’s medical record in accordance with paragraph (c)(2) of this section; and (iii) include in the notice the items described in paragraph (c)(5) of this section.  

483.15 (c)(4) Timing of the notice. 

(i) Except as specified in paragraphs (c)(4)(ii) and(c)(8) of this section, the notice of transfer or discharge required under this section must be made by the facility at least 30 days before the resident is transferred or discharged. 

(ii) Notice must be made as soon as practicable before transfer or discharge when-(A) The safety of individuals in the facility would be endangered under paragraph (c)(1)(i)(C) of this section; (B) The health of individuals in the facility would be endangered, under paragraph (c)(1)(i)(D) of this section; (C) The resident’s health improves sufficiently to 

allow a more immediate transfer or discharge, under paragraph (c)(1)(i)(B) of this section;(D) An immediate transfer or discharge is required by the resident’s urgent medical needs, under paragraph (c)(1)(i)(A) of this section; or 

(E) A resident has not resided in the facility for 30days. 

In Summary:   

Facilities are receiving F 623 because they are not providing a written notice upon transfer to the emergency department that includes the following:  

  • The reason for the transfer or discharge  
  • The effective date of transfer or discharge  
  • The location to which the resident is transferred or discharged
  • Appeal rights including the name, address which receives such requests, and information on how to obtain an appeal form and assistance in completing the form and submitting the appeal hearing request

Recommended Action:  

  • Conduct an internal assessment to determine compliance.  
  • Conduct care plans with residents and families and ask their preference for notification in writing – email, text, snail mail or if they prefer not …. Care plans their preferences.  
  • Implement steps to comply if gaps are identified.  
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